Greetings fans of art, craft and the ridiculous!
Just For The Halibut is delighted to announce our participation in the THAMES FESTIVAL 2011....happening this weekend!
Saturday10th& Sunday 11th 12-6pm, JFTH will be joined by other (brilliant) arts and craft stalls, food, entertainment, music and booze!
For more deets and actual website
obviously the its going to be massive and spreads from Waterloo all the way to Tower bridge....
Just For The Halibut is going to be located in ZONE 4, just over Tower bridge to the right on the north side of the is a little map, we are where the blue marker is...,-0.072463&spn=0.007733,0.022724&z=16&vpsrc=6
and this is the site map...we are located at POINT 10, ST KATHERINE'S PIER- black arrow!
see you there! x x x