Well life in Just For The Halibut land has been hectic-a-mungo of late but deliciously filled with festive fun, mince pies, love

Is anyone else's life like a buses? Nothing happens then EVERYTHING HAPPENS AT ONCE. Ok the buses analogy doesn't really apply here (when in Rome...) but this week is so packed with excitement I'm off my fish fins!
Top 5 highlights of the week...
1) The Jelly Empire creator Selina is coming to stay from the far shores of NYC, I'm so happy, we will have hugs, mulled wine and skip down the street holding hands!
2) Just For The Halibut is having a stall at LEATHER LANE MARKET on thursday and friday of this week, 16/17th. Come along and say hello, finish off your xmas shopping and see if I've frozen to death! 10-4pm, yes just pull a sicky and come along.
3)Just For The Halibut is having a stall at QUEENS CRESCENT MARKET on Saturday 18th Dec! Yes its a double whammy, 3 in a row style fish stall off. Come along if you can't make leather lane(probably because you have a proper job) and Saturday is your only day to come and see me! Directions and details to follow!
4)Our house Christmas Buffet happens on sunday, we plan to decorate the house, fill it with delicious people and delicious smells (the 2 go hand in hand), and wish everyone a wonderful Christmas before we all scatter off to our respective family homes.
5) I'm going to my 1st Christmas carol concert with my lovely man and his family. There is nothing more festive than listening to xmas tunes with a santa hat and holding hands with the one you love, awww tis the season and all.
The stall preparations continue......
aaaw! thanks for the mention! cant wait to see you! i shall also tweet this post for you!